Selling your items
If you just want to sell your item, we will buy your item outright. We typically offer 30-70% of the item’s value. This depends on the type of item, brand and how fast the item will sell. We always pay top dollar for gold. Sam’s Locker team members determine prices at the time you bring your item into the store. Our team members use various online vendors to see what items are actually selling for at that time. One thing to keep in mind is that we want to make you the best deal we can, but also must consider pricing that allows us to move your item quickly so that it does not stick around and decrease in value as companies release new versions. We can pay the most for items that tend to have stable values on the marketplace.
For this reason, things like consumer electronics generally bring a lower premium than things like precious metals, guns, and ammunition.

Collateral Loan Idaho and Collateral Loan Boise Pawn & Gold offer the best item-backed loans in the area. Our plans are flexible, with a minimum repayment period of 40 days and a maximum repayment period of 10 years. Our interest rate is 2.9% per month or 35% APR when clients borrow 30%-50% of the liquid wholesale value of their pledged collateral over $10,000. For example, if you have an asset with a liquid wholesale value of $25,000 and borrow $10,000, your interest would be $291.66/month. If you borrowed the money for 3 months, your total pay back amount would be $10,74. Loans greater than $50,000 can qualify for even lower rates. If you have any more questions, please review our FAQ page or give us a call.
The Process:
-Customers bring in an item of value.
-Pawnbroker offers a loan based on a percentage of the item’s estimated resale value.
-The pawnbroker then keeps the item until the customer repays the loan with interest and any additional fees that may apply.
We offer pawn term arrangements as low as 35% APR Interest Rate on $10,000+ Pawns Loans.
The loan repayment is based on a 1, 2 or 3 month repayment period with no maximum repayment period can be up to 10 years.