selling your electronics?
If you just want to sell your item, we will buy your item outright. We typically offer 30-80% of the item’s value. This depends on the type of item, brand, age, condition, and how fast the item will sell.
We always pay top dollar for name-brand items in great working and physical condition.
List of Common Electronic Name Brands: Apple, Samsung, LG, HP, Dell, Canon, Nikon, Sony, Beats, GoPro, Bose, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc…
One thing to keep in mind is that we want to make you the best deal we can, but we must also consider pricing that allows us to move your item quickly so that it does not stick around and decrease in value as companies release new versions.
We can pay the most for items that tend to have stable values in the marketplace.

pawning your electronics?
A customer exchanges an item as collateral for a short-term cash loan. The item is returned to the customer after the loan amount and interest fees are paid. Sometimes, when a customer needs an extension on paying their loan, the item is held longer and the customer agrees to extend the terms of the loan for an additional length of time.